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You can help us make local people's lives better

We're a small, independent charity that rely on local grants and funding to enable us to deliver our services across the district. We do not receive funds from or are part of central government


Did you know?

We're an independent registered charity and we help thousands of people across Lewes District every year. This wouldn't be possible without the support of our donors who are passionate about our local community

Find out more about how you can help make a difference

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 £5000 could provide an Advisor to deliver pop up advice services in Warm Spaces across the district

£3000 could support us to develop our volunteer recruitment programme- vastly increasing our capacity to provide advice.

£1000 could buy vital remote homeworking IT equipment for 2 volunteers, to enable our service to run flexibly

A message to our donors

We need your help to ensure we can support our community to not just manage but thrive.



As a small, local, independent charity, we need your help through receiving donations (which can also be increased with Gift Aid if you are a UK tax payer)  Donate today and you will be helping people throughout Lewes District. 






Monthly Giving helps us to manage and plan our services. Setting up a Direct Debit is easy and you can give as little or as much as you can afford. Ongoing small amounts make a huge difference to the impact we can make. For every £1 donated to LDCA, there is a return in public benefit of £22.83. 



There are lots of ways you can support us through fundraising. Whether you want to challenge yourself to achieve a personal goal or you'd prefer to run an event or fundraising activity, there are lots of ways to support us to raise vital funds. We will be publishing a Guide to Fundraising in the spring of 2024. You can fundraise easily using our Just Giving platform. 


Raise more with Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer. 








Single donation      Sponsor form     Regular donations


We're a charity and if you are a UK taxpayer and provide us with a Gift Aid declaration, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us.

Gift Aid is a government scheme where charities can reclaim money on your contribution from HM Revenue & Customs. Download the relevant PDF and return to us by email or post to help your donation make an even greater impact. 


Leaving a gift in your will (more info to follow soon)



We must increase individual giving and diversify our income sources to ensure the long-term sustainability of the organisation, that is not reliant on a small range of income sources. We need your support to ensure we can deliver essential services now and in the future. 


We will be launching a wider range of ways to both support us and donate soon. 



More fundraising information coming soon.

If you would like to donate now, please email 

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